Marina Ilari @ CEO Terra Localizations

S1 EP 2 – Ft. Marina Ilari

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Episode Transcription

ALEX: Hi, everyone! Welcome to Open World. Today we have a very special guest, Marina Ilari from Terra Localizations. But before we get to the interview, let’s see what the LocFact of the day is.

FLOR: Hi, folks! How are you? Welcome to another Open World LocFact! Today we are going to be talking about Genshin Impact, one of the most successful game releases of 2020. Published by miHoYo Studio, Genshin Impact was already the game everyone was talking about even a year before its official launch! Can you believe that? Being quite similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Genshin Impact still has its own game identity, and is likely to surprise us more than once in the near future. But let’s hold it right there, shall we? Can we start with the title? What does it actually mean? And most importantly, am I pronouncing it correctly? What is a “genshin”? And what can I do with it?

LUCIO: Well, to answer all those questions, Flor, let’s start by talking about the word “genshin” first, which means “primordial gods.” How it’s pronounced, well, this depends on the fact that the developer uses Japanese pronunciation “génshín (げんしん)” for this 原紳 word not only for the Chinese market, but also for the global market. And this is very interesting because this Chinese character’s pronunciation is not “genshin,” but “yuán shén.” And Koreans read this word as “wonshin (원신).”

FLOR: Oh, so I was right, I was killing the pronunciation. Sorry, everyone.

LUCIO: Yeah. We’re all doing it on this side of the planet. Well, this is probably due to the fact that the game’s anime-like style aims to attract Japanese animation fans all over the world, and therefore they chose to localize the game’s name accordingly to their marketing and branding strategies.

FLOR: That’s so cool! However, there is more to Game Localization than the meaning and pronunciation of a name when it comes to successfully launching in a foreign culture, and that includes how you accept and cancel on your joysticks. Did you know that in Japanese culture, the X has a historically negative connotation, whereas the circle has a positive connotation?

LUCIO: Oh, I wasn’t aware of that!

FLOR: Well, now you know. Therefore, players confirm actions with a circle instead of an X, as we are used to doing on this side of the globe. So for those who have already played the game, you might have noticed that the default button to accept is not your typical A or X to accept, and B or circle to cancel. Instead, it has been reversed, as if it was meant to be for the Japanese markets, but for all players all over the world. At first, this might seem a little trivial, but after a few hours trying to survive every single encounter, it becomes some sort of like an extra challenge. Wouldn’t you agree?

LUCIO: Yes, it’s really hardcore to play it like that. But do you think this has a negative impact on the audience of your native language or, on the contrary, is it very much welcomed? Leave us your comments below, and see you next time for another Video Game LocFact.

FLOR: All right, guys. So welcome to Open World. So we have here with us today Marina Ilari. Marina is an ATA certified English into Spanish translator with over 15 years of experience in the translation industry. She’s an expert in translation tools and managing projects in English and Spanish. She has worked as a translator, editor and quality assurance specialist for many companies around the world with a special focus on creative translations and video game localization. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Terra Translations and co-host of the podcast about translations that is called En pantuflas. So welcome, Marina. How are you?

MARINA: Thank you! I’m good. Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to talk to you all.

FLOR: So here today with me, we have Alexis, Loretta, and Lucio. So, how are you guys?

ALEX: Hi, everybody!

LORE: Hello. Excited to be here.

FLOR: So we have a couple of questions, Marina, because we are super anxious and excited to learn more about you and your background. So how about Alexis? What would you like to learn from Marina today?

ALEX: Yes. Hi, Marina. Welcome. Well, we are all gamers, so first things first. Which games were the ones that got you into gaming? I mean, there must have been some game that made you say, “I want to translate video games and I want to play more.”

MARINA: Well, I don’t know if I was thinking about that when I started playing video games, that I wanted to translate them. But I do remember very clearly that the first game where I got hooked was Tetris, so I was really good at it. And I was also obsessed about this. And I remember people talking to me and me seeing the little figures coming on their faces. That’s when I knew I was completely obsessed with this game and I couldn’t stop thinking about where they should go. But I actually I grew up in a province of Argentina, in a small town, and we had an arcade game store called Flash, and we used to spend so many hours there with my brother playing The Simpsons and Street Fighter and Pac-Man and all these games. And so I think that’s when I knew that games were a passion. And then my first console was the… in Argentina, it was the Family Game console.

ALEX: Yeah. The old NES, right?

MARINA: Exactly. Similar to that one, but the cheapest option I guess.

ALEX: Yes.

MARINA: And yeah. And so Mario Bros was the first game I played there. Yeah. And that’s when I was completely hooked. And also… and also playing with my brother. Actually, the game that we like the most with my brother is this game that is not so well known. It’s called Snow Bros. I don’t know if you guys know it. You guys know it?

ALEX: I know the Snow Bros.

FLOR: I was also raised in Argentina, so I’m pretty familiar with that one as well.

LORE: You guys, I’m gonna need you to show me this one.

FLOR: We have to play that one with Lore, then.

LUCIO: That game is a destroyer of friendships.

MARINA: Well, it’s not so common. I don’t think people here in the U.S. are so familiar with this game. So it’s just a game about two snowmen. And I was always the red snowman, and my brother was always the blue snowman. And we, like, to this day, we can master this game. In fact, last summer we had… rented an Airbnb house that had an arcade game, and had this Snow Bros game. And my brother and I…

FLOR: Really? What are the odds, I mean, for you to rent a place and for them to have that specific game?

MARINA: Well, it had many games in the arcade and, yeah, one of them was that one. And so, yeah, so we spent… It’s just so much fun reminiscing about our younger days playing this game. And we can still master it, by the way.

FLOR: And did you get to show that game to your kids?


FLOR: And where they as obsessed as you were back then?

MARINA: Oh, yeah. Yeah, very much so. It’s a fun game. And also the aesthetics are really curious-looking and… It’s a cool game. I really like it.

LORE: Right. Well, after you…

LUCIO: You should try speed-running it.

LORE: Oh, sorry, go ahead, Lucio.

LUCIO: Have you ever tried speed-running that game? I mean, it’s one of the best games to win in as least time as you can.

MARINA: No, I don’t think so. I don’t think so. But I did know all the codes to go into the next level without actually winning. So cheating.

LUCIO: Yeah, that’s not gaming. Or maybe it is gaming.

MARINA: I just really wanted to get to the end. Well, the funny thing about this game, though, is that, of course, is the story of this princess that gets kidnapped. The two princesses. And the two snowmen have to rescue them. But what I like about this game is that, once they rescue them, then this like evil witch kidnaps the two snowmen, and the two princesses have to rescue them.

LORE: Oh, that’s so cool!

MARINA: So you get to play as a princess on the whole second part of the game, which is really cool.

ALEX: I didn’t know that.

LORE: I definitely want to play it now. Well, once you had mastered this game and got more into the professional aspect of it, so how difficult was it to get into the game localization industry when you started translating video games? What was the most useful skill that you had to learn, you know, taking these first steps into the industry?

MARINA: Yeah. I don’t know if I would say it was very difficult, but I would say that working in video game localization was not widely known or it wasn’t popular. So the most useful skill, without a doubt, I think is knowing about video games. So the amount of hours I spent playing the video games were extremely useful when having to translate them. And also being a good communicator and being a good researcher. When I first started out, video game localization was not a common specialization for translators. We didn’t have any books or blogs or videos or webinars on the subject, so you didn’t have any of the resources that you have now. So I would say that was the most challenging part back then. You couldn’t easily check for references online, you know? You couldn’t get all the imagery you get with Google right now. So that was a challenge. And comparing it to nowadays, though, I think that it’s a little more competitive, the markets for translators that are interested in specializing in this domain. When I first started out, there were only two translators of Spanish that were specialized in video game localization, and they were both from Spain. So I didn’t know any Latin American Spanish specialized in this. And one of the first projects I worked on, which was a large triple-A game, we didn’t have anything, so we had to start from scratch, from creating the style guide to creating the glossary to… everything from the game. It was starting from zero. Nowadays, usually, if you will work on a big IP like this, you would probably get a lot more material to get you started with. So that’s a big difference, I guess.

LORE: So in some ways, it’s a little bit easier. But of course those new challenges always pop up.

MARINA: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

LORE: Always gonna be something else.

MARINA: There are other challenges now, for sure.

LORE: Well, thank you.

MARINA: Thank you.

LUCIO: So, Marina, we have another question, and this has to do with something really important and something that has been discussed a long time now. So we need you to answer, to give the ultimate answer to this. Which is best, Star Wars or Star Trek? And please be honest.

MARINA: Okay, so I have to be honest. Lucio, I hope I’m not disappointing you completely, but I do like Star Wars. That’s what I used to watch growing up. I know! But I like Star Trek too. It’s just like I’m a Star Wars fan.

LUCIO: Okay, okay. I’ll get over this.

MARINA: So tell me why you love Star Trek over Star Wars.

LUCIO: Oh, you first. Please.

MARINA: Me, it’s because that’s what I watched growing up. So the first trilogy is what I watched and what got me into, like, the Star Wars world.

LUCIO: Oh. Well, when I was a child, I had a lot of books on science fiction. I read a lot of Asimov, and my grandfather was a fan of science fiction, so I ended up getting into TV science fiction. And the cinema had a lot of influences on me. But I think Star Trek is more appealing to me because of this relation with Asimov and other famous authors. And I think Star Wars is more of a science fantasy fiction. It’s more like Dungeons and Dragons and Lord of the Rings, than as a pure science fiction like Star Trek, in which you get a lot of scientific explanations about what’s going on and you can actually imagine technology advancing to the point.

MARINA: That’s really interesting. Yeah, I totally see your point, though. It’s definitely more tied to fantasy, and I love fantasy. I guess that’s why I like Star Wars.

LUCIO: But I also like the cyber fights. So Star Wars is cool.

MARINA: Yeah. I agree.

FLOR: And I have another question, Star Wars-related, and it’s for Lore and Marina as well, because since you’re both US based, I wanted to know if you ever got to get dressed as any of the Star Wars characters for Halloween, since it’s October already.

MARINA: I didn’t, but I did dressed my daughter as Rey at Halloween.

FLOR: That’s so cool!

LORE: So sweet. I haven’t personally dressed up yet. I’ve got a Vader helmet that I painted very cool for a Christmas gift for my husband, actually, a couple of years ago. But I think I’ve used it more than he has because I’m really pleased with how it turned out. So I wear it more than he does.

FLOR: Now we have to see it.

LORE: That’ll be real for you for the next one.

FLOR: That’s so cool. Now, are you planning on this year’s costume or you have no idea if you’re doing anything?

MARINA: No idea. Is Halloween even happening this year? I don’t know.

FLOR: I mean, at least inside your home, you know, just as an excuse to get dressed.

ALEX: Virtual Halloween.

MARINA: There’s always a good excuse to get dress, though.

LORE: We’re doing an indoor one, too. And actually, Lucile brought it up. We’re doing… Well, mine is Lord of the Rings and my husband’s is Harry Potter, so we’re going full tilt on that fantasy costume.

FLOR: I love it. I love it.

ALEX: That’s so cool.

FLOR: So I have another question for you, Marina. Are you currently playing any games?

MARINA: I am. So I have two little ones at home, and we are playing a few video games. Minecraft, Super Mario Bros, Deluxe Mario Kart, Zelda Awakening. Those are the ones that we’re playing currently. And Just Dance.

FLOR: That sounds amazing.

MARINA: And they play together also, which I really find quite adorable. And yeah, the other thing I really like about games and introducing them to games also when they’re young is that you can also configure the language. So we speak Spanish at home, but they grow up here in the United States, so English is their first language. And it’s another way for me to try to introduce them to more terminology in Spanish and to actually get them more interested in Spanish. So it’s not just me insisting that we speak Spanish, but also, you know, these cool characters also speak Spanish. So that’s one thing I do, I configure the settings on their games to Spanish. And it’s really funny, my son has all these, like, very specific terminology items and objects and worlds in Spanish, which I find quite impressive. So, I don’t know. Some parents might judge me that I let them play video games being so young, but I think it’s educational, so.

FLOR: Definitely.

ALEX: For me personally, I learned English by watching movies and playing video games. RPGs mostly.

FLOR: Same here.

ALEX: That’s pretty cool. I mean, it’s amazing to see that. Till this day, new kids are learning that language is not a barrier for them. I mean, even in gaming, they can play video games that they can learn a lot, not just have fun.

MARINA: Exactly. And it’s such a great tool to have. I mean, I think now it’s just annoying for them, but I ask them to say everything in Spanish. But eventually, I’m hoping that they will thank me, because it is such an amazing tool to have. Especially, I mean, I work with languages, I work in localization, so I understand it can be such a… just an amazing tool to have.

ALEX: Right. Thank you.

LORE: For those of us who are a little bit newer to the industry, like myself, what would you recommend or advice to somebody who wants to get started in the localization industry but doesn’t really know where to get their foot in the door?

MARINA: Yeah. So the first thing I would say is to continue specializing, because once you finish your career, your studies as a translator and you’re so eager to start working and you’re ready for it, and you think, like, this is it, I’m leaving my studies behind and I’m gonna be working. And the truth is that you have to continue studying and you have to continue specializing pretty much all of your career as a translator. So if you want to be on top of the latest grammar, the latest areas of specialization, I mean, it’s a continuous learning experience for you. The second advice I would give is more of a, like, business, practical one, which is to join a professional association. So depending on where you live, you can find translators or interpreters that join different associations. And this is an amazing community for professional development, but also for networking with other colleagues. And it’s super important. I mean, great contacts can come out of this. And even if you’re just starting out, these organizations are always looking for volunteers. So I highly recommend getting involved even as a volunteer, not even in a passive role, but rather like in an active role, like offer yourself as a volunteer and dedicate some time and effort helping the profession and also networking with other colleagues. And, yeah, the other advice I have, the professional advice I have is to always have a bird’s eye view of the localization industry as a whole, because as a linguist, sometimes you get only like a very small portion of what’s happening in the grand scheme of things. And it’s usually like at the very end and with limited access to everything else. And it is important, I think, as a linguist, to know and understand all the different people that are involved in the localization process, from quality assurance to the project management to the account management, what’s happening on the other side, if you’re working on localization on the publisher side. So it really does help you understand how localization works. When I was working as a translator and didn’t know much about the industry itself, it always frustrated me so much. And it… I couldn’t understand why some companies were doing things a certain way. That made no sense to me as a linguist. And then, yeah, looking back and really understanding how the whole localization process works, I can see, you know, why some decisions were being made and why things were a certain way, even though I didn’t like it. But it’s important to know how all the different roles contribute to the global strategy that a brand or a product has, and it adds to your role as a linguist and makes you a better linguist, I believe.

LORE: That’s really great. Thank you. The one about joining the organizations really struck a chord with me, particularly because I finished my studies not too, too long ago, and we as students volunteered for I believe it was an ATA conference that was being held in Milwaukee at the time. And we had a great time volunteering, we met a lot of people, and then were able to attend sessions afterward that we would not have been able to afford as students otherwise. So it was a really good way for all of us to sort of, I guess, be introduced to the world and feel like we were also contributing in some way.

MARINA: I love that. That’s so true. You usually do get a free pass for the events when you’re volunteering. So it’s a fantastic way to get your foot in the door.

LORE: Well, thank you so much for all the good advice.

MARINA: You’re welcome.

FLOR: All right. So we wanted to know, since you’re talking about these organizations that you collaborate, what are the organizations or associations that you collaborate with or that you recommend? It can be either in your area or even in Latin America, for that matter.

MARINA: Yeah. Yeah, I would say to start regional and then you can also go national or even international. I mean, there are so many organizations. It really depends on what your… maybe your niche is or your specialization is. And then, if you start local, which I really like, the smaller regional organizations, it’s gonna be easier to network and to actually get to know the people that you’re working with. Right now, everything is virtual, but before that, you would actually be able to meet them in person. So that helps a lot. And then developing those relationships, really, that’s the most important part. Like the people you meet and the connections that you make in these organizations. So some of the organizations… So I lived in Wisconsin for many years and I was involved in the Midwest Interpreters and Translators Association there. I served two terms as a board member there. It was an amazing experience. I met so many great colleagues, some of whom I still work with. And then, little by little, I started getting my foot in the door in the American Translators Association, which is the national organization for translators and interpreters. And right now, I’m the administrator of one of the divisions, so I’m very involved with this association. And it’s an amazing association. But depending on where you are, I would say go regional first and then try to see what other national or even international organizations you can help with. There are so many out there. Another organization I am part of is Women in Localization, and I’m a chapter manager of the Los Angeles chapter. I was living in Los Angeles then, I recently moved back to Wisconsin. But I told them, my heart’s still in Los Angeles, so I think I can still be part of the management team for Women in Localization Los Angeles.

FLOR: So that means that you’re still there.

MARINA: I am. I am.

FLOR: That’s amazing.

ALEX: You’re still in Los Angeles.

FLOR: Your heart is still in LA.

LORE: We in Wisconsin will try not to take that personally.

MARINA: I’m sorry, Loretta!

LORE: We’ll win you back.

MARINA: The move is very recent, so I’m still like learning to let go of the beach and the palms.

LORE: We’ll win you back. Don’t worry.

MARINA: I love Wisconsin, though. I love Wisconsin. Yeah. No, no, no. Wisconsin is amazing. And there are great organizations in the area as well, like MATI, the Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association. That’s a great one. But, yeah, Women in Localization is a global organization, so depending on when you are… on where you are, you could collaborate and… I think they have 22 chapters worldwide. So there are many that you can join. Yeah.

FLOR: Well, thank you so much for this great advice. So I know that we asked you to bring something today. You had a little homework for us. And you did a great job, by the way. So we’re gonna share some memes with you. Of course, Alex, Lore and Lucho brought some of them, some of theirs, but we’re gonna start with yours, Mari. Okay. So, as I said, Marin, you did some homework for us. Thank you so much. We asked you to share some of your favorite memes, game-related or not, because that’s up to you, of course, what makes you laugh. But I think you’re pretty in line with what makes us laugh, too. So the first one is about Superman. I personally had to Google this one.

MARINA: I’m gonna explain. I’m gonna explain.

ALEX: It’s Henry Cavill. It kind of explains himself.

LORE: Yeah. I think Flor needs to explain why she had to Google this.

FLOR: Because I’m not a big fan of Superman. Sorry, guys.

LORE: I’ve never seen it either.

FLOR: I don’t know. Sorry.

MARINA: He’s The Witcher, also. You have to like the guy.

FLOR: I know! But, I mean, I’m so bad with faces that, like, the minute I saw “The Witcher,” I was like, “Yes, it’s this dude!”

ALEX: And now he’s Sherlock Holmes, too.

LORE: Is he, really?

MARINA: Yeah, that’s right. In “Enola Holmes.”

ALEX: In “Enola Holmes.” Great movie.

LUCIO: He’s becoming everyone.

FLOR: Yeah. That’s kind of weird.

LORE: The Henry Cavill take-over.

MARINA: So I want to explain this one because Henry Cavill bought a PC and put a video I don’t know where, he uploaded a video of him building his own PC. And gamers worldwide went crazy about this. How he was building the PC, and how he was just like us.

LORE: One of us!

ALEX: One of us. One of us. Lucio, you said that Henry Cavill is becoming everyone. Can we be Henry Cavill?

LUCIO: Um, maybe. Eventually.

FLOR: Do we want to be him?

LORE: Looks like a lot of time in the gym.

FLOR: I bet he doesn’t eat much carbs or junk food.

ALEX: No. That’s all protein. Protein and gaming.

LUCIO: Yeah. Gaming mainly.

FLOR: Then we’re on the right track. Well, the second one is also about this guy, I think. There’s a pattern here, because, you’re a bit obsessed with this guy? What’s going on here?

MARINA: No, I just thought it was funny because it broke the internet. Like literally everyone was posting these memes. And I collected…

LORE: No judgment, Marina.

FLOR: Oh, no, not at all. Mr. Business.

ALEX: Okay. Open World, officially… Mr. Business.

LORE: Here’s another guest star. This is Mr. Business.

ALEX: Open World officially loves Henry Cavill.

LORE: Oh, yeah.

ALEX: If you’re watching this, we love you.

LUCIO: Big fans.

ALEX: Still, Batman is better than Superman. But we love you.

LUCIO: Yeah.

LORE: We can save that argument for another day.

FLOR: So this meme is like, cat, “I should buy a PC,” because… Right?

FLOR: Well… Yeah. And the third one, too, is like what we were saying, like every single person feels, like, related.

ALEX: He’s totally like me.

MARINA: He’s totally like me. The whole gaming community is saying that.

FLOR: We need his secret. Oh, yeah. And number four.

MARINA: And then this one. I think this one is hilarious. Yeah, this is a Mac ad of, you know, like cool people saying, “I’m a Mac,” and more traditional, like, button-up people saying, like, “I’m a PC.” But suddenly you have Henry… Henry building his own PC, and then it’s like, “Yeah, you’re done.”

LORE: Poor Justin, must feel so attacked.

FLOR: I would. Well, now we’re going to number five.

MARINA: This is how we gamers picture non-gamers during isolation.

ALEX: How do you get bored indoors? I mean…

LORE: You’re not 200 hours deep into Animal Crossing and just…

ALEX: Trying to get that platinum on PlayStation somewhere, you know?

LUCIO: Yeah.

FLOR: Yeah. It was like every single person, well, from my friends that were asking, “What can I do during lockdown?” It’s like, “Come on, play games.” Just buy a joystick and let’s meet over Steam.

ALEX: Play some Rocket League.

LUCIO: “How do I play games?” Gaming 101.

FLOR: I’m like bringing my friends… Every single time I log in to Rocket League, I bring one new person that hasn’t played.

LORE: Flor the recruiter.

FLOR: Yes. I’m slowly but surely recruiting them all.

LUCIO: You are the Henry Cavill of Rocket League.

FLOR: I wish.

LORE: Join us.

LUCIO: You’re joining all of us together.

FLOR: I wouldn’t need to be so insistent if I looked like that. “Do you wanna play Rocket League?” “Yeah.”

LORE: “Yes, ma’am.”

FLOR: “Where do I sign?” Oh, and the next one. We’re going to number six now.

MARINA: Yeah. It says, “Don’t travel, don’t socialize, stay inside. Coronavirus lockdown rules.” And normal people are crying, and gamers are like Tom Cruise laughing with his insane laughter. Now we’re all crying too, but.

FLOR: Yeah.

LORE: But we’re still playing games.

ALEX: Now we are all Tom Cruise.

LORE: Blue shell!

FLOR: Yes, now we’re more like a crazy laugh instead of…

MARINA: Yeah, it’s like insane.

LUCIO: It’s an evil laugh. You can see he’s evil.

FLOR: Oh, yeah, it’s kind of evil. And we’re going to number seven. And this is so cute. I mean, I bet that… For me, it made me think of all these friends that I’m recruiting and don’t have any idea what to press or how to jump or do any of the tricks. Or even how a joystick works. And I felt so related to this. Why did you bring this one, Marina?

MARINA: It just reminded me of my… So I would be the one, the little one with the sword, and my son, my seven-year-old son would be him teaching me how to play Minecraft.

FLOR: Well, that’s so cute.

LORE: So sweet.

ALEX: It’s very relatable.

FLOR: Yes, it is. And we’re moving to number eight. I believe Lore brought this one, and I think we can all relate to this. Like, come on, can it get any more difficult 2020? Like, I don’t even know if I want to say that aloud.

LORE: Yeah, I was gonna say, let’s not ask…

FLOR: A UFO is gonna go by my window.

LUCIO: There’s still a couple of months, so please be careful.

FLOR: Careful what you wish for.

ALEX: I saw earlier today that some guys found some new mummies, so it’s like Brendan Fraser is prepping up.

FLOR: Why? Why?

LORE: Like, why don’t we just leave that sealed up, at least until the end of the year?

MARINA: Yeah. Definitely not this year.

ALEX: Open it in January, please.

LORE: You don’t need to invite anything, any new crisis.

FLOR: Yeah. There was, like, also a cave where they found some eggs of some sort. Like had been there, kept for thousands of years. And it’s like, no, seal it back.

ALEX: Leave them alone.

LORE: Seal it up.

FLOR: We don’t need that.

LUCIO: This is so mainstream now, so I mean, we don’t need another virus. We don’t need another crisis. Just…

FLOR: Yeah, just leave it as is.

ALEX: We don’t need aliens, we don’t need mummies. Please leave us alone.

LUCIO: Just let me play.

LORE: Just more video games, and it’ll be fine.

FLOR: Oh, yeah. Well, number nine, I felt so related to this.

MARINA: So true.

ALEX: That’s me and Dark Souls right there.

FLOR: Oh, yeah. Well, that’s me in pretty much every single game.

LUCIO: Dark Souls is the exception. Nobody’s good at that game.

ALEX: Nobody is good at Dark Souls.

LUCIO: So don’t worry. It’s designed that way.

ALEX: Thank you. It does make me feel a little bit better. But just a little.

FLOR: You’ll forget when you try to play again.

ALEX: Right.

FLOR: And the next one, we’re going to number ten. The “harmacist.” I mean, it’s the first time I see this, like, pun.

LUCIO: It’s like when the super get curious.

LORE: Definitely stealing it.

ALEX: Yes.

FLOR: Number 11. “When you’re waiting on the loading screen for 10 minutes and realize it says ‘Press any button to continue’.” Yes.

LUCIO: This has happened to me so many times.

MARINA: I’ve been there so many times, too.

ALEX: And you see your reflection on the screen.

FLOR: I don’t read any instructions. It’s like, yeah, yeah, whatever, whatever. And then when I actually have to read it, it’s like, okay, what are you waiting for?

LORE: “This game doesn’t make any sense.”

ALEX: Yes. Tutorial: skip, skip, skip. “How do I play this thing?”

FLOR: Yeah, and then you’re facing a wall and you don’t know what to press or anything.

LUCIO: “This is boring. I’ll play another game.”

ALEX: “Who made this? I can’t play.”

FLOR: Yeah, it’s their fault that they don’t make it so intuitive, right? So now we’re gonna move to number 12. Oh, yes. I felt so related to this one. Every single time.

LUCIO: Like the first time you play PvP and you just lose. There’s no way you can win.

MARINA: No way.

ALEX: No way. And all the cool skins, you know? And you’re like…

LUCIO: Yeah, everyone’s shiny.

ALEX: Everyone’s shiny and golden.

LUCIO: So glamorous. And you’re just a noob.

FLOR: And I think this is the last one.

ALEX: This is the last one, right?

FLOR: Yeah. And everyone is reading this with the Mario voice, of course.

ALEX: Of course. Poor thing.

LUCIO: There’s no other way to read it, so.

FLOR: No, no, no. And they say that pictures don’t have sound. It’s like… No.

LORE: They do.

ALEX: Yes. But you believe Mario? We believe Mario? I mean, it’s not you, it’s me. He really pulled off the “it’s not you, it’s me” to the Princess?

LORE: That’s the classic line, isn’t it?

ALEX: That’s a classic line.

FLOR: Shame on you, Mario.

LORE: Yeah.

FLOR: Well, all right, guys, we’ve come to an end. Thank you so much, Marina. It was an absolute pleasure to have you today and to learn more about your exciting professional career. Thank you, Alex, Loretta, and Lucio. I hope you can join us on our next episode.

ALEX: Thank you, guys!

LORE: Thank you!

LUCIO: Thank you!

MARINA: Thank you!

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